Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Confessional

Forgive me.... It has been one week since my last confession.
Today's confession, I am fat.
Yeah yeah popped a baby out a few months back.
So have a ton of other people and they don't look
like they weigh a ton like I do.

So I decided to not be fat anymore.

and have been using this to train:

and guess what? I am still fat!!
Gave up sweets (well except one a week)
and.... Still fat!!
I would love to tell myself that I am not losing weight because of the whole, muscles weigh more than fat bit. But lets just be honest. At this point I have enough junk in my trunk I should be at least losing SOMETHING.

So what to do?
Accept that I am just a "heavy set gal" as my grandma would call me? Please no!
Gain about 100 more lbs and audition for the biggest loser? No! NO! NO!
Eat sensibly, exercise daily and the weight will magically fall off? I wish!

Just keep training for the half marathon, stop stepping on the scale everyday, enjoy the summer and hopefully by the end of the summer the weight gods will replace my stretched out mess of a belly with abs of steel? humm I'll stick with this one. Yeah this is what is going to happen.


XSUSHA said...

Here Here sister

Amber Blair said...

Have you taken your body measurements?? When I started working out trying to lose my baby weight, I lost way more inches than pounds because I was gaining muscle. It'll come off, I promise!! I was always told 9 months to put it on, 9 to take it off!! Do you drink soda?? My hubby finally stopped drinking it and lost 10 pounds. I've been training for a full marathon for 2 months now and have only lost 2 pounds, but I know I'm still losing inches. Hang in there!!

Robyn said...

I like the last idea. Definitely stop stepping on the scale everyday. Just eat right, keep exercising and enjoy life! Good luck with the half marathon!