Saturday, August 14, 2010

I've been everywhere man. Crossed the desert's bare, man.

This last thursday our road trip came to a close.
We went from Monterey to Salt lake on the 1-80 through Nevada. ( Winner of Cat's
borring-est highway award)
After a few days in Northern Utah, we went to St. George for a day and than back home
with a pit stop in Bakersfield.
Ha Jyn did great! We were really worried because she usually
hates her car seat. She even had her first two teeth come in durring the
trip! So here are a couple hundred pictures of the trip!
So great to see everyone and have everyone meet Ha Jyn!

Ha Jyn at the motel 6 in Bakersfield.
Treasure Island

Hanging with Papa in St. George
Cousin Mady!
Mady kept asking to hold Ha Jyn.
She did a good job!
Hanging out at Stewart and Buffy's
My Turdbombs
Some of my favorite people the Hunts my mission Presidents.
I wish I had more time to spend with them.
Alex and Emma with their crazy plant
Ha Jyn and I by Own grandpa's grave.
The reason she has Mabel as a middle name...
Auntie Rose
and Heidi
Ha Jyn wanted to hold Annika, or at least hit her!
Ow Grandma, Annika and I
Great- Salt Lake Grandma.
I still think Ha Jyn takes after her!
Boo with his new friend
Pops and Mama with their girls
Martha Stewart even showed up!
Great Aunt Myra
Great Uncle Adam
Grandpa and Mady
Justin and Carly with their children
Cousin Sean
"Little Yellowstone"
aka Antelope Island
One of my dad's many hidden talents

Enjoying the views
Nap time!
Having some long awaited cousin time
Grandpa with his favorite grandchild
Great- Own Grandma


ashezart said...

as always AWESOME pictures!!! Man i wish you could of added Boise, ID to your trip! :p MISS YOU!!!!

Casey said...

I-80 through Nevada is the most boring drive in the world.

But I'm glad you had fun on your journey! And I'm a little jealous that you saw two bison on Antelope Island. I only saw one.

Heather P said...

I am glad you got to see so much family! What a happy reunion for the Flandros (: Wish I could have been there!