Friday, September 10, 2010

Ha Jyn's 1st labor day

Ha Jyn's new hair style.
Why? because why have two when you
can have three?

Now that Ha Jyn has two teeth she
started brushing them every night.
She LOVES her toothbrush!

We walked to one of our favorite spots in
Monterey to celebrate not having to labor.
Ha Jyn has a new smile. She just started to
stick out her tongue every time she smiles.
It is hilarious!
giving her boyfriend the stink eye!

I met up with my friend from the swimming
aerobics class I was in when we were both pregnant.
We took our kids to the county fair.
Ha Jyn's favorite exhibit was the grass...

1 comment:

XSUSHA said...

Looks like a baby Mohawk!