Saturday, December 11, 2010

Adventures in Colorado a picture happy post

I spent the last week in Colorado with my best friend
of the last 14 or so years. Her husband was on a hunting trip so
Kelli very generously used a voucher she had and flew Ha Jyn and I back home.
Even though we have not lived in the same state for over
a decade when we see each other it is always as if no
time has passed. She is
married and has four kids and I am married with a kid but despite that we are pretty much the
exact same as we were at age 13.
It was so much fun spending time with her boys.
Ha Jyn loved all the commotion. She learned
so much from watching Kelli's boys.
In the week that she was with them she learned how to crawl,
pull herself up and now really loves to play with her toys.
A couple of nights Kelli had to work and with her husband out of town
it was just me and five kids under the age of five.
They were great kids and very easy to bribe!
I would say the toughest part were just the logistics of the
youngest three. Ha Jyn and Vance, Kelli's youngest are only 7 months
apart. Luckily everything went amazingly smooth.
It was so much fun to see my old neighborhood and go to the same children's museum
that I went to as a kid.
The worst part as always is coming back home and missing
and getting homesick for Kelli!

Ha Jyn just before our flight home.
She made sure to save all her crying for inside the plane.

Nolan, Kelli's almost 2 year old
Diaper heads
Ha Jyn loved being around all her friends
No wonder I had so many boyfriends in High School
Myles and Truman in a fort they found on their property
Nolan's awesome outfit
Playing on a playground that I use to play on as a kid.

Maggie sleeping.

Truman, I love this kid!
Ha Jyn's new wheels
Ha Jyn loves Truman too!

The Children's Museum.
We told Myles that we were going to a poop
factory, but he did not buy it!

The view from Kelli's house
Bath Party!
Kelli with her boys
The whole crew



Diana said...

It looks like Ha Jyn had a blast. She is so cute. I can't believe how big she is getting.

Heather P said...

I'm so glad you got to go to Colorado and visit your old stomping grounds. Thanks Kelli for treating my cousin!