Sunday, January 2, 2011

Top 10 of 2010

2010 was hands down one of the best of my life!

1.Mostly because of this little squirmy!
She has brought so much joy, color and happiness to our
lives. Everyday we get excited to see what new
thing she will do next.

2.Also this year I got two new brother-in-laws.
They have been in the family for years,
but it was great to celebrate them being legally bound to our family
(poor souls!)
Walking Jenny down the asile would only ever
come second to the birth of my kid.
3. This year Ha Jyn has three new cousins!

Ha Rue in Australia

You Jin in South Korea
And Annika in New York
4. 2010 brought lots of visitors
Auntie Kelli
Uncle Destin
The Huffs/ Pierce's
Gramps and Granny J
Aunt Ha Ha
Jenny, Scott and Annika
5. We got to travel around and visit our dear family and friends.

New York for Jenn and Scott's wonderful wedding.
Road trip to Utah for Ja and Ha's wedding party

Several day trips to nearby cities in California
Colorado to visit Kelli's bunch
6. Boo officially has one semester left of
his grad program!
7. Boo's part time job at Yama sushi has been
a huge blessing to us this year. His boss is an incredible guy as
are the people he works with.
8. Our new apartment. Although it is not drama
free, it is mold free. It has been great to have space to breath and
most importantly, space for Ha Jyn.
9. Has to be a tie between sewing and running.
I love the sewing machine my family got me for my
birthday. Everything I have made so far is pretty lackluster.
By this time next year I am pretty sure I will be the
next Vera Wang......or at least be able to sew straight!
Although my run is only slightly faster than a group of power walking
house wive's, I have come to love running. It has been a great way for me to get
into a shape that does not look like it might roll away if you bump into it.
Now my shape is more like one of those baby clown toys that every time you punch it pops back up.
10. The rescue of the Chilean miners.
It makes the top ten because it was a pure miracle!
The whole event reminded me of a Book Of Mormon scripture.

Mormon 9:15

God really worked a miracle. So many things could have gone
wrong but they did not.
For the four people reading this I hope many
miracles happen for you in 2011.

Bon Voyage 2010. Thanks for being so
good to me!


Jennifer said...

Love your list! So glad I could be part of your top 5!

david said...

Ditto with Jenn. It was a great year! Love,

Heather P said...

Great post Cat! I loved looking at all of the pictures, and to see that you has so much this year. It makes me want to reflect on 2010 as well (: