Friday, August 12, 2011

Why I hated July....

The entire reason that we moved to San Jose was for Boo's job.
In the interview Boo got the impression that it was going to 
be a great job with great people to work with.

Fast forward one month later to find it was anything but. Instead it was 
an incredibly tense, stressful and unfulfilling job. After Boo finished his 
5th week of work his boss decided to not fire, but "let him go".
Apparently "let go" is different from "fired". However, for us they are 
both synonymous with, "being screwed over". 

He was "let go" because his boss said he was not a good fit for the
office. The office, slightly bigger than an outhouse containing the 
boss, one other person and Boo. 
Can you smell the bitterness oozing off of me?! 

So after this bomb fell on us we came up with a plan A, Plan B and Plan C. 
There have been good things that came from Boo's being set free.
We have cut everything back in our spending. We were not big spenders
anyways, but you know I guess spending the bare minimum can
be liberating. We also have spent a lot of time pondering out next steps... that can be good right?
Most of all we have been able to spend more time with our friends in Monterey. 
That is definitely the difference between a super bitter, betty ford clinic-bound me and 
the me I am right now.  

I am a big believer in the, "everything happens for a reason" policy. However, when I am really 
bitter I have a short term memory for that policy. I think sometimes things have to 
get worse to get better. Yesterday was our worse day yet. We had mailed our rent 
check to San Jose while staying with our friends, Anna and Scott in Monterey. Almost two weeks later, yesterday we get a call from the property manager saying we had a three day eviction notice!
Ahhh holy crap-my-pants stress! We told him we mailed the rent because we were out of town. 
Which was the truth, but I am sure to that guy it just sounded bizarre. So we had to run around, panic stricken and luckily got a new rent check to him. Now the question is where in the world is the first rent check? Stuck in some postal sorting machine?

Anyways crises over, rent is paid. But that 4hr possible eviction trauma made us 
come up with a plan D. 
As of now I will help watch our friends kids durring the day and Boo will work at a 
Sushi restaurant durring the night, job searching durring the day. We are giving the American job search 
until the end of September. Between now and September we will get our passports and Visas ready to 
move to Korea. So if a job comes up in America then great, if not we go to Korea. I teach English in Korea and Boo finds a job in his field there. Yeah for plan D!!

 As far as I know, between our July, our friends July and some family member's craptastic July
this is the only good thing that happend last month! 


J and M said...

omfg. u poor things!! aaahhh! prayers are with you! we know what it's like to have plan a and b and c! it sucks. i, too, believe that everything happens for a reason, but it sucks when the crap hits the fan all at once! :( good luck to you! love you guys!

Robyn said...

ooohhh, how stressful! At least Boo isn't in a crappy, stressful job that he hates. But still, not knowing what's going to happen in the next little bit is very stressful. It seems like a lot of people are in similar situations. You are right, that things happen for a reason, sometimes it's just hard to see that reason when you're in the middle of everything. Just have faith that the Lord has a plan for you. Good luck with everything.

Unknown said...

Adding you to my personal prayer list. Unfortunately, I know where you are! Yikes, that stinks (gve up saying "sucks" this year...a little premature, if you ask me...)Will absolutely hate the idea of you being in Korea, but if that works and helps your family, isn't that the best plan ever?

our July stunk as well. what is going on!?!

hang in there!!!