Saturday, May 5, 2012

Our turquoise anniversary

 Last Saturday we celebrated our 5th anniversary.
I looked up what color of anniversary it was, Google said 
that the 5th anniversary is turquoise.
So if Google says it, it must be legit.
However Boo might want to call it, "our bile-colored anniversary".

We decided to celebrate big this year by going on a 
day-long Salmon fishing trip. It was awesome in the fact that we learned a ton 
about fishing in the ocean and saw tons of whales.

 It was not so great in the fact that we did not catch any fish and that one of 
us got a little sea sick. Actually not so great in that fact that about 15 out the 20 people
on the boat got sea sick. It reminded me of that scene in the movie 'The Sandlot' where the kids eat chewing tobacco and then go to an amusement park.  I was really lucky in the fact that I don't get sea sick.  I made one guy sick just by eating a sandwich in front of him.
At one exciting part I had a huge fish on my line and was reeling him up, but as salmon often do he shook his head and got unhooked from my line. ;(

 Boo got me macrons from my favorite bakery and 

My friend Ashley (pictured above from a picture on our wedding day) super hero-ed our family just in time for our anniversary. I LOVE them! 
I think she did an incredible job, and I think I might die from happiness
if I could ever lay my hands on a pair of glasses like the ones that "Super Cat" is wearing. 
She just started her own on-line store that is full of awesome treasures! 


Marti Valenzuela said...

your pictures are very amazing!

ashezart said...

First of all congrats on y'alls anniversary! I love y'all and miss y'alL!!! aww thanks sis! I LOVE your background! It totally made me tear up when I saw it :p

J and M said...

i looooove ashezart!!!!!!! and, happy 5th year anniv to you guys! ours is in july! huzzah! and.. i laughed when you mentioned that part about the sandlot movie. lol.. uggh; sea sickness is the worst!