Saturday, August 20, 2011

Adieu to our Juny Ju.....

This decision has not come easy at all. 
Simply put Pre- Ha Jyn Juny and Post- Ha Jyn Juny
are two different dogs. Or maybe we are different parents to Juny.
Either way it just sucks. But when it comes down to it,
I love Juny. But I love Ha Jyn more. 
I feel like I have failed Juny. If we had 
been better trainers or put her in an how-not-to-be-aggressive-towards-unpredictable-toddlers
obedience class it would not have to come down to this. 
She has never bit Ha Jyn, but has aggressively snapped at her with her 
teeth showing and her hair raised. 
For me it was not a question of if, but of when. 

On the bright side we randomly found a good home for her.
We go on walks every night and I run or walk with her in the mornings. 
On one of our walks we ran into a woman who has a Jindo that could be Juny's twin.
We explained how we were contemplating what to do with Juny. That was a couple weeks ago.
Fast forward to yesterday. I was jogging with Juny and ran into Yoon Hee, the woman with the matching Jindo. She told me about her Mother-in-law who's son just moved back to Korea and now she lives in a huge house with just her daughter. The mother-in-law loves Yoon Hee's Jindo. Yoon Hee mentioned us and our dog Juny. Anyways yesterday she asked me if I would be interested in giving Juny to her Mother-in-law. It seems like a great solution. Juny does not end up in some shelter. But I know the heartache is not going to stop soon. Juny has been a loyal running partner, she has made us active because of having to walk with her, she helped me so much when I was lonely in Korea. She's family.... With big sharp teeth. 
After we got Juny in Yoon Hee's car and got back into the house my first 
thought was, "Oh I have to be careful not to let Juny out when I open the door."
By the time I set foot inside our apartment. I lost it. Juny was a huge part of our 
everyday routine. I felt really safe running with her early morning or late at night.
At the same time we knew it was inevitable. She has a great new home and a yard to run around in.
But knowing that does not make it any easier. 
oh this apartment/heart feels empty =(


Unknown said...

Oh, I am so sorry. I know how much it hurts. When Sarah was little we had to give away our Scottie, McDuff, because he bit Sarah, twice! It was sad. We just had to put down our beloved Laddie in February. He had cancer. It was 11 years of fun with him--never an aggressive moment with Sarah but he did snap at Daniel a few times. We miss him every day! I still catch myself being careful when I open the door. The wound will heal but the scar will always be there. Chin up, Buttercup! :)

ashezart said...

:*c sad! Sis I'm so sorry!!! I know exactly what that is like! We had a bassett hound named Maddie-raised her from a puppy and she got really aggressive and started attacking our older dog Bow. We then got Bailey for Maddie to play with and they were best friends for two years-no fights or anything and then out of no where started getting into these HUGE scary fights-I have scars from breaking up those fights. After having her in our family for 7 years we had to give her away. It was the SADDEST thing ever!!! I still think about her everyday. I know its heartbreaking~Juny is family! But she'll be able to have a better life. Y'all shouldn't have to worry about her getting aggressive with Ha Jyn.It's so sad but you have to do what's best for your family. The people who adopted her must be so excited to have such a wonderful dog as Juny! They'll love her and appreciate all the wonderful things you love about her! Thank goodness she didn't have to get sent to a shelter. That is by far the worst-that's what happened with Maddie I still wonder who adopted her and if she had a better life :/ I hope things get better for y'all!