Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas time is here again!

I love Christmas time.
Korea celebrates Christmas on a very low-keyed
level. Most businesses take Christmas day off
and go back to work the next day. I know of some
hag wons that are not even closing for Christmas.
luckily we will get two weeks off to go visit my

It is hard to think that it has been a year since
last Christmas. This year has not been exactly easy,
but the ride and the views have been worth it.

This will always be my favorite Christmas Tree.
This is this year's tree. It is a little more
flashy compared to last year's. Our pocket
books are a little heavier than last year and the Korean
all a dollar is a lot closer than the Oahu one was.

Juny Ju is feeling the Christmas spirit to!


ashezart said...

I HAVE to come cya for xmas~or get your parents address to send you y'alls presents~lemme know.

Erin said...

Your dog is just too cute! And I love your last year's tree. It's way cute. :)