Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sha Bang, Sha Bang

Our hagwon is having a Karaoke party this Friday.
Each of the kids are preparing an English song to sing.
I made a deal with one class that if they sang English songs,
I would sing this song. Hahahha I think this song
is hilarious. Sha Bang, Sha Bang has no meaning in Korean.
I am pretty sure I am going to get first place. I still have to bribe
Boo into being my backup singer.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

시사 = She Saw= Korean Ancestral Ceremony

시사 (She-saw) is an Ancestral ceremony that
only happens once a year. In Ha Dong next to Boo's
Uncle's house is The Son family's Jay Saw house.
The house is only opened once a year for the 시나

The women prepare all the traditional
food and then all the men bow to their

Here are some pictures of the food.
For the ceremony there are fruits,
dried fish, octopus, traditional rice cakes,
small cookies and other sea foods.
After the ceremony everyone eats the
food together.

The women preparing the food.
I didn't have any idea what they were doing
so I supervised. Or stood around
looking stupid what ever you want to
call it.

My Nephew Ha You and I.

Boo looking stunning in his suit coat and
training pants. (The dog got car sick on the
pants he was wearing)

Ha You and Ha Bin looking all cute

My niece Ha Bin and I

Ha Bin and Ha you with their older brother Ha Min

Juny Ju in Ha Dong

Juny Ju loved going to Ha Dong. She however
did not like the car ride. She got car sick in fact car sick
all over Boo. It was one of those times
when I felt really bad for my husband, but deep
deep down inside I was happy I wasn't holding her!

She loved running around all the barley and
rice fields.

Juny making friends with the goats.

감 = gam= Persimmon

We picked a bunch of Persimmons that were
right next to Boo's dad's grave. Ha Dong, Boo's
Home town is Known for it's persimmons and
Korean Pears.

Boo said this one looks like a frog, but I think it
looks more like Dolly Parton.

We took Juny with us. She loved getting

My Daughter and I.

Boo with Juny in front of his dad's

Pae Pae Roe Day!

This week Korean kids celebrated Pae Pae Roe
Day. Basically it is a day where kids give their friends
and teachers Pae Pae Roes (빼 빼 로).
빼빼로 are cracker sticks with chocolate on them.
I did not know about this holiday until my
kids gave me all these 빼배로. I want to
institute in Diet Coke day!
My class room was really boring so I got a
bunch of leaves and strung them across the room and put
them on the walls. I thought it would give the kids who hate
English something to stare at.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our dog needs dentures

Our dog Juny Ju lost over Six teeth this
week. So all week she has not been
able to destroy anything!

Gye Eun's Wedding

We went to our friend Gye Eun's wedding
this Saturday. No wedding hall in Korea
could do justice for how beautiful she looked.

Her dress was so beautiful. It was just the
right amount of puffy-ness with petals, and sparkles.
It was truly breathtaking.
Two lady's that worked at the wedding
hall were carrying things that looked like trumpets.
I was really confused until after the ceremony they blew
into them which made a pop sound and tons of ribbon went
flying everywhere. Now I know what I want for
Korean Wedding ceremonies are short.
The preacher speaks to the couple
and marries them in about twenty minutes.
After wards the groom is gets a hard time and has
to do tasks to prove his love. (Push up's, embarrassing
things etc.)
After the ceremony the couple changes into 함복
Hambok (traditional Korean Dress) and bows to their
parents and than gets money for their honeymoon from

Here's to a Bright Future

Juny enjoying Election Day

"This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time -- to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth -- that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:

Yes We Can."

In Africa, you often see that the difference between a village where everybody eats and a village where people starve is government. One has a functioning government, and the other does not. Which is why it bothers me when I hear people say that government is the enemy. They don't understand its fundamental role.
Barack Obama
Profile in The Independent Magazine, March 10, 2007.

Fall in Changwon

I thought that I would take some fall pictures
of Changwon. This is the first Fall Boo has had in
over 5 years. In Hawaii there was not a lot of trees that
change color.

I love seeing groups of 할모니들 (grandmothers)
Hanging out. All of the middle aged women dress really
fashionable. But all the Grandma's just wear a mixture
of what ever they have. I like the grandma in the back
with the "varsity team" vest. She looks mean in that vest.

Changwon is surrounded with mountains, sometimes
it reminds me of Salt Lake City, Utah.

We went on a hike up one of the mountains, here is what
Changwon looks like from above.

More Changwon

This grave was tucked away in the mountain.
I thought it was pretty.

Fall colors

After a 40 minute game of "You can't
catch me" Juny is no longer aloud off her leash
when we go on walks. We did get her a 10 meter leash so
she can still run around in the park everyday.

Boo and Juny looking all cute.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Welcome to Little America

I now have an Oven! (Most houses in Korea don't have ovens).
As you can see it is just the perfect size for
how often I use an oven.
I am actually really excited, our boss gave it
to us. I am going to make rolls tomorrow!!
It will be the first time in....ever!

Happy Halloween!!


I'm to sexy for my wig, to sexy for my wig,
so sexy it hurts!

Who could resist us?

Juny Was a lion for halloween!
Glamor Shots
I tried going as grapes for my costume, but it looked
really weird. I look like a crazy foreigner with purple
balloons pinned to me. Plus it was really hot!
It's hard to tell that Boo even has a wig on.

We threw a Halloween party at our Hag won.
For a lot of the kids it was their first Halloween party.
We made a lot of noise and an enormous mess, but had mounds of
fun in the process.

"Tommy" got second place for his costume

These kids are sisters. They remind me
exactly of Carly and I when we were little.
Their English names are Emily and Holli.

We had the most unsanitary bobbing for apples ever.
Notice that each of the apples have about four different bite
marks They are all from different people.

Health code violations

Playing Pin the tail on the cat with
the Kindergarten

Choco-pie spiders and Ghost suckers,
all thanks to my mom's expertise.