Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fall in Changwon

I thought that I would take some fall pictures
of Changwon. This is the first Fall Boo has had in
over 5 years. In Hawaii there was not a lot of trees that
change color.

I love seeing groups of 할모니들 (grandmothers)
Hanging out. All of the middle aged women dress really
fashionable. But all the Grandma's just wear a mixture
of what ever they have. I like the grandma in the back
with the "varsity team" vest. She looks mean in that vest.

Changwon is surrounded with mountains, sometimes
it reminds me of Salt Lake City, Utah.

We went on a hike up one of the mountains, here is what
Changwon looks like from above.

More Changwon

This grave was tucked away in the mountain.
I thought it was pretty.

Fall colors

After a 40 minute game of "You can't
catch me" Juny is no longer aloud off her leash
when we go on walks. We did get her a 10 meter leash so
she can still run around in the park everyday.

Boo and Juny looking all cute.

1 comment:

ashezart said...

such cool pics! i wanna move there.