Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!


I'm to sexy for my wig, to sexy for my wig,
so sexy it hurts!

Who could resist us?

Juny Was a lion for halloween!
Glamor Shots
I tried going as grapes for my costume, but it looked
really weird. I look like a crazy foreigner with purple
balloons pinned to me. Plus it was really hot!
It's hard to tell that Boo even has a wig on.

We threw a Halloween party at our Hag won.
For a lot of the kids it was their first Halloween party.
We made a lot of noise and an enormous mess, but had mounds of
fun in the process.

"Tommy" got second place for his costume

These kids are sisters. They remind me
exactly of Carly and I when we were little.
Their English names are Emily and Holli.

We had the most unsanitary bobbing for apples ever.
Notice that each of the apples have about four different bite
marks They are all from different people.

Health code violations

Playing Pin the tail on the cat with
the Kindergarten

Choco-pie spiders and Ghost suckers,
all thanks to my mom's expertise.


ashezart said...

aww all of your halloween stuff turned out awesome!!!!! very cool~happy halloween!!!

Tobler's said...

That turned out way cute! I haven't bobbed for apples in forever!