Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's day and Happy 5 months to Baby Ha Jyn

For Father's day we let Ha Jyn take us for a drive!
We went to Big Sur for Mother's day,
but we liked it so much we went back for father's day.
She loves her pop-pop
And her Mama

And her Mama loves her,
with a shirt to prove it.
These days Ha Jyn and Juny are becoming great buddies.

They like to relax together

Ha Jyn with the Master Sushi chef
My friend had to get emergency surgery
so two of her kids kicked it with us for awhile.

Looks like a yummy cake right?
The Queen Bee

Ha Jyn liked to have them around to play with.

Papa and Ha Jyn exercising together
Ha Jyn styling Boo's hair in the morning.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday Confessional

Lots of things to confess this week...

First off it's world cup time.
And I am in love with the world cup song.
Mostly because I got it stuck inside my head yesterday.
And because it's name is Waka Waka.
here enjoy:

I also confess that in world events I hardly ever want America to win.
Mostly because the other team they are playing just always seems more dedicated and with it.
When Korea played and lost 4:1 everyone was devastated.
Almost every Korean that I know in the Monterey area got up at 4:30 in the
morning and got together with other Koreans to watch the game.
When America played no one cared, the only station that televised it was the
spanish channel Univison.
It's not that I want America to lose, it's just that I don't care if they do.

My next confession: I have to run 5 miles tomorrow. Yikes.
When I run I look like a hot mess. But I did find an outfit to wear for the
Women Runner Dressed as Wonder Woman

I also confess teething baby= grumpy mother.

But on the flip side we have a new routine and
now Ha Jyn is sleeping through the night!

First we dance to this song, our song:

and than we say a prayer, next she eats, than I put her down in her crib and lastly
I cycle through each of her stuffed animals saying good night to her in
different voices, I wind up her favorite giraffe and than I walk out.
And she sleeps!!
I confess I have not pushed the whole sleep through the night thing.
Mainly because I hate the feeling of being hungry.
And hey for only so long can you wake up and cry in the middle of the night
for food and have it brought to you. I mean you literally have to milk that for
what it is worth.
Now every morning I wake up looking a little like this:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Confessional

Forgive me.... It has been one week since my last confession.
Today's confession, I am fat.
Yeah yeah popped a baby out a few months back.
So have a ton of other people and they don't look
like they weigh a ton like I do.

So I decided to not be fat anymore.

and have been using this to train:

and guess what? I am still fat!!
Gave up sweets (well except one a week)
and.... Still fat!!
I would love to tell myself that I am not losing weight because of the whole, muscles weigh more than fat bit. But lets just be honest. At this point I have enough junk in my trunk I should be at least losing SOMETHING.

So what to do?
Accept that I am just a "heavy set gal" as my grandma would call me? Please no!
Gain about 100 more lbs and audition for the biggest loser? No! NO! NO!
Eat sensibly, exercise daily and the weight will magically fall off? I wish!

Just keep training for the half marathon, stop stepping on the scale everyday, enjoy the summer and hopefully by the end of the summer the weight gods will replace my stretched out mess of a belly with abs of steel? humm I'll stick with this one. Yeah this is what is going to happen.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tutu Cousins, teething and new hairdos!

It has been an exciting week or so in the Flandro family.
The Flandro sea of estrogen got a little deeper!
With Annika Joan!
(That makes 4 girls and 1 boys as far as grandkids)
She was born last Saturday morning at 12:40.
Not only is she ridiculously awesome because we have
the same middle name,
but because Ha Jyn now has a tutu cousin!

Annika sporting a green tutu at one week old
Ha Jyn in a blue tutu at one week old.

In other news, Ha Jyn loves her giraffe,
we moved and her giraffe that plays a song when you
wind it up has been really comforting to her.
I've been having fun with her hair lately.

I call this her shrek hair.
She is also starting to teeth.
She loves to put anything into her mouth now.

and toys!
My new favorite picture of us together.
This is what happens when you take her pony tail out!

One last picture from our old house. Ha Jyn loves to watch
Juny and Juny loves to give Ha Jyn kisses.
She's no longer an infant!
She is now definitely a baby!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Confessional

I am not much of a blog stalker of people I have never met with one exception,
this lady My sister Carly introduced me to her and now I am a fan.
So in my efforts to start a tiny something new I am going to jump on the bandwagon with my first..... FRIDAY CONFESSIONAL!!
I confess.....
  • I think someone switched my child with her evil clone for the past two days.
  • She is a sweet sweet baby and than BAMMMM. Not so much sweet when she cries her "I'm not hurt, in pain or really crying for any reason cry" for hours on end.
  • Okay so she is teething. I think. Doesn't excess drool, tender gums and crying = teething?
  • I hate it when you make awkward eye contact with some random person while your on a walk and so you feel obligated to say, "Hi" but when you do your voice cracks and than the idea pops into your head that that person could easily mistake you for a pre-pubescent boy. Short hair undone hair, no make up, wearing husbands shorts and shirt, sticky and hot, acne and a cracking voice. I should have not opened my mouth.
  • I have dreams with whales in them at least once a week. I feel like one of those super sci-fi geeks in middle school who are obsessed with unicorns. The kinds that have statues in their locker and draw pictures of them durring class. Only those people usually become really successful and creative and rich. None of which I am. But seriously I have a dream with or about whales at least once a week. Should I see a Doctor about that?