Sunday, June 29, 2008

Changwon in June

So June came and went.
Nothing that spectacular happened,
but here are a few pictures of everyday
Changwon life.

Monsoon season has started.
You can tell a little but by these streams
that run in between the apartments.
They are usually dry, but as of lately they
have become more voluminous!

코타치 Cotachee Man having fun playing
with my glasses.

The war of the 할 머 니 (Grandma's)
So the city tried to stop the Grandmas
from planting vegetables in this public field by planting
a bunch of wild flowers.
But as you can see the Grandmas still found space to plant their vegetables.

Boo, Smashing as alwaysThe happy 부부 (Couple)

The one year anniversary of the most stressful day of my life.

Thats right, today marks the One year anniversary of
the most stressful day of my life!
Our Utah wedding reception, and today marks 14 months (and 5 days) of marriage.
I am happy to say all the stress was worth it!!!
And happy to say I will
NEVER go through that pain again!!
Here are a few photos for nostalgic purposes..

Sunday, June 15, 2008

To 어머니's Garden We Go!

So a long time ago I posted a picture of some plants that a grandma planted right by a public sidewalk. I think the picture had a caution sign in it as well saying, "No farming".
Well I am proud to say that my Mother-in-Law is one of those grandmas who finds any little space of land and grows plants there to sell. She took us to her garden which involved a walk that was at least a mile away from her house. She goes there everyday. It also involves hiking up part of a mountain to get there. Not so bad for a women who is in her late 60's.

Boo and His mom looking really cute
walking to her garden.
A Wild Berry tree. We got to take a lot
of them home with us! They taste a lot like

This purple flower is actually a red potato plant.

To 어머니's House We Go!

Today we went to 진 주 to visit Boo's mom. It is about an hour away from where we live. The most famous part of Jin Ju is the 진 주 성 (Jin Ju temple). It is right next to the river, which makes it look even more beautiful.

Rose Park

We found the Rose park not to far from our house. We missed it when all the Rose's were in blossom. But it was still pretty.

Cupid's face looks really disturbing!

Boo looking smashing as always!

Me looking no as smashing as Boo, as always!
The day could not be complete without a Jumping Boo Picture.

The night I became a middle school Korean boy

So pretty much all of my students who are boys spend all their money at the game room. Otherwise known as an arcade. So last Friday Boo and I decided to relive Boo's youth. It was great Boo kept losing at his tennis game and I kept winning at my Kung Fu game. As a matter of fact I was really good. I even made it to round nine. I found out the secret to all games, press all the buttons at the same time repeatedly as fast as you can.

Boo looking defeated

The small rooms in the back ground are small
노 래 방 (karaoke rooms)
Where we later rocked out to some Willy Nelson.

You Know Your Crazy When.......

So my Sister Carly and I have a theory that you have to go crazy before you can learn certain arts. Like knitting. I had tried to learn how to knit many times in my life. I could never get the hang of it. I than got my mission call to Wisconsin, (not the African mission call I was expecting) and overnight I became a star knitter. I say the same goes for cross-stitching, sewing and most definitely scrap booking.
And one more talent that I recently discovered..... making your own sticker scenes out of contact paper. I hate empty walls and blank cupboards. So I went to the stationary store and bought different colored contact paper and well the rest is history.



I think a good name for my art might be...
Pink Bird date night
Wow thats one hell of a tree branch.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Alex's quote of the year

Me talking with my nephew Alex on the phone yesterday:

Me: "Alex if you could choose between a new Nintendo DS and Emma (Alex's little sister), what would you choose?"

Alex: "Nintendo DS, Emma comes with consequences"

Friday, June 6, 2008


My Friend from my old job at the library in Hawaii
recently passed away.
The world and I miss you James!
Rock some Aloha up there!