Saturday, August 28, 2010

The dreaded 27

For some reason I knew I would always dread turning 27.
I think it is because I use to have my life all figured out of what I would have done by 27.
Some happened, some didn't.
I never joined the peace core,
haven't gone back to school for my Master's... YET.
However on the flip side, things have happened that did not make it on the list.
I got married, moved to Korea, lived in California and now have a wonderful baby.
So three days into the dreaded 27 I am realizing it is not going to be so bad!
I plan on reinventing myself this year.
If Madonna, Oprah and every other powerful women can do it
why can't I?
Because I got this from my sisters and parents..
I am going from this...
(Tina Fey and her Mom Jeans)

to this...
Barbra Streisand (Cira The way we were)

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