Thursday, October 9, 2008

Banana Art

For those of you who know me well and the unfortunate ones who
have lived with me you know I have an addiction. I like to call it a
talent. I can eat five banana's a day and not realize it.
I love bananas they are cheap, tasty and always satisfying.
People have gone to great lengths to help me
fight my addiction. Some include writing their name on the bananas
they hope to eat before I got to them. This worked until I forgot what my name
was due to lack of potassium in my body. I could have sworn my name was Allison!
(Sorry Cousin Allison!)
Or my mom would try to hide them, but it became a replay of the hide and seek game
gorillas play at the Zoo. The Gorilla ALWAYS find the banana and so did I!
Anyways here is some Banana art I found on a Korean web site.
Long live the banana!!


ashezart said...

LoL totally AWESOME!!!!!

ashezart said...

hey in the pottery barn magazine they have a banana costume =p