Saturday, May 28, 2011

Boo's Graduation

One week ago today Boo graduated!
He had two interviews this week in Mountain view, Ca.
We are crossing out fingers that it will pan out to be a job for Boo.
Both interviews went really well and we find out on Monday if he got the
job he really wants or not. I am starting to see the light at the end
of this long winding dark tunnel called grad school.

We celebrated by going on a day trip to San Francisco with my
parents who came to Monterey for his graduation.

My parents were in their early 20's the last time
either of them visited San Francisco.
Here they are back in San Francisco 80 years later!
Boo with his catch of the day!
Gramps, Boo, Ha Jyn and the golden gate bridge.

Boo's graduation was awesome. It was a nice bright sunny day, which
are hard to come by in Monterey. Aaron Williams, the director
of the Peace Corps came and talked.
Here he is with some of his classmates.
Boo opted to wear his Hanbok for the ceremony.

Ha Jyn wanted to match her Papa so she wore
her's as well.
She was a little more interested in the
flowers in the grass than in the speakers.

For only being here for three days we were able
to pack in a lot of things.
I took my dad deer hunting... well okay not really.
But we did run into some very people friendly deer.
went out to breakfast with friends.
Had story time with Gramps
Drove through Big Sur and hiked around Point Lobos.
On our way home from San Francisco we
stopped in at a Korean BBQ buffet.
Ha Jyn had a great time
My Mom was in hell
While Boo was in heaven!
We had a great time celebrating Boo's graduation.
It marks the end of a two year long roller coaster ride for Boo.
Filled with papers, projects, translations, diapers, bottles and Sushi.
We will always love Monterey because it gave us our Ha Jyn,
but it is hopefully time to say goodbye and move on.
Monday cannot come fast enough!!


Robyn said...

2 years? That's nothing, I've been following Paul around in his graduate studies for 5 years. But, congratulations to Boo, and congrats to you for making it through too! And congrats to Boo for having a job interview, hopefully he gets the job!

Diana said...

Congratulations!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for Boo to get a job. Now it's time to reap in the rewards for all of the hard work and sacrifice that was put into the last two years. Good luck!!!:)