Monday, May 9, 2011

Catching up....

Boo is in the home run stretch of his
graduate program. (can I hear a hallelujah?)
I have been busy with work, the eternal combat with my
body fat and hang in with my girl Ha Jyn.

Lately lots has been going on.
Boo and I celebrated our four year anniversary.
Ohh to be that young again.....
actually when I see this picture all I can think is,
"whaaaa I want to move back to Hawaii!!!"
well that and that I love Boo more now than I did four years ago.
Celine and Ha Jyn hanging out in Hanboks.
This was for the church's international night.
They basically upstaged everyone else, not that I am biased
or anything. Boo and I won a gift certificate to Jose's Bar and grill
so drinks on the church I guess!!
More likely super nachos on the church.
After her 5Th ear infection in 15 months
Ha Jyn is going to have to get tubes!
With the exception of ear infections she has been
really healthy. So hopefully the tubes remedy the ear infections.
Her ear Dr. thinks that her verbal skills will also improve with the tubes.
The way he explained it was that Ha Jyn has been wearing Ear plugs for the past
15 months. The surgery is small and will be about 15 min long.
We are just waiting for insurance to approve it and than she will get her tubes.
We have had to rearrange once again as
Ha Jyn has taken a liking to climbing.
I have a new goal to take Ha Jyn to the
beach at least once a week. I want her to
love the pacific as much as I do.
Boo turned 33 this year!!
Ha Jyn and Boo brunching at a Juny friendly restaurant.

1 comment:

XSUSHA said...

Tubes! Akkk! But I can completely relate! Tell Ha Jyn that she can call her favorite aunt Ha Ha to discuss ear problems and ear doctors.
Love Ha Ha