Friday, April 4, 2008

A Little bout of Homesickness

As I knew that this day would eventually come,
I am experiencing my first real bout of Homesickness.
The problem is that for the past Eight years I haven't lived in the
same place for more than two years. So my home is more with people
than with places. So in no particular order here are the people (and a few places)
that I dearly miss.

My Favorite Little Town in Oahu

Pops and Mamasita



Hawaii Friends

Really "uge" Sandwiches I use to make

My Psychology Friends

Auntie Bonnie

Me with the Ocean

Laie Beaches

My Sisters

My Grandparents

The friends that never go away. (Thankfully)


Heather Huff said...

I love you Cat! Sometimes I feel really far from home as well. I think of you, even if you are half way around the world. e-mail me(:

Jennifer said...

The NYC Academy for Discovery misses you too! We're also hungry for one of your sandwiches.