Thursday, August 21, 2008

Annoyed to a New Level and can't help but complain...

I am the one on Blue, the Mother is the one in Red

Korean Parents are notorious for caring about their children's education.
That is just great, however sometimes it gets a little over the top. Today one of my students
Mom's called to complain that I taught her daughter the word "Cup" When the right answer was "mug". I also taught her "Nut" when it should have been "peanut".
I am thinking of going back to school and redoing my entire college education for the horrendous mistake I've made. Or maybe I can pay my student's Mother to come and teach me correct English. I just don't know if I can ever forgive myself for teaching her precious angel, nut instead of peanut. HOW CAN I LIVE WITH MYSELF NOW???!!!!!
Also another one of the Hagwon's students quit because he had been here for two and a half weeks and could not read English perfectly. I must be a horrible teacher!! Humm he must have learned Korean in under Two weeks. If I'd have known we had a future Einstein on our hands maybe I would have been able to teach him better.


Erin said...

Oh, dear. Heaven forbid. You are just going to bring to whole English language crashing down. What were you thinking, substituting one perfectly good word for another without getting written permission from each and every parent on the planet? Tisk, tisk. What are we going to do with you?

ashezart said...

holy cow dude~that is insane! man if they don't use those words correctly they will NEVER make it in the english speaking world.
Girl u keep doing what ur doing b/c if they moved here to learn english they'd be learning far worse words than cup, mug, nut and peanut. trust me. i have younger siblings saying words i didn't know till high school.
Besides~in our language the word "mug" means getting beat up and robbed in NYC.
Sis NO WORRIES!!!!You're in the right! They're in the land of crazy obsessed perfection~trust me u don't wanna go there =p
I still <3 you! even if your vocabulary is a lil off ;p

Keef, Cris & gang said...

I'll let you borrow my new favorite phrase to use on parents like that- "Put your purse down Tiff" Basically it means stop your complaining you retarded idiot. Not that I know any Korean, but it might lose something in the translation, so feel free to modify it as needed :)

Tobler's said...

Oh geez! That is crazy! Your trip to China looked like a blast!

The Weston's said...

oh man. the parents are always worse news than the kids. uggg