Saturday, August 9, 2008


Unfortunately we had to go back to work the day before the
Olympics started. We still got to experience a little of the
excitement first hand.

We watched an Olympic soccer game on one of the
huge screens they put up all over Beijing.
The firework set up for the opening ceremony.
All the tin foil around the wires made it look
a little scary.

There were reporters from around the
world there. I made it a point to get in
the back ground of as many as possible.

Tienanmen square where the torch came through.

This is as close as we could get to the bird nest
with out having a security pass.

The count down clock.

I had to take this picture for my dad. Now that
softball is being taken out of the Olympics,
These guys have come to promote fishing
as the next Olympic sport. Who knows maybe
my Dad can be in the next olympics!

1 comment:

The Weston's said...

that is sooo cool- you will never forget that!