Saturday, October 25, 2008

Its my fault....It's all my fault!

I missed the overseas Voting
Registration Deadline
and received this devastating video
from my sister!
Notice that the video is from the future.


Xsusha said...

Laughing out loud-- literally. But I will still blame you if McCain wins.

Heather Huff said...

I think you're slightly off the hook, and the blame can go on me. I never recieved my absentee ballot in time, and I wouldn't have voted for Obama either, so I guess the democrats would have to lose by two votes (:

Keef, Cris & gang said...

I was told if I vote for him not to come home. It's scary how alike dad & Keef are! Guess I'll just have to live with keeping my politics in the garage like mom & dad do.