Friday, March 27, 2009

Masan Fish Market 마산 옷시장 and other randomness

Last Saturday we went to Masan to go to the
fish market there.
We had been there last year, but wanted to go
again before we left Korea.

This is Boo in front of his dream department
store. 고기 means meat, and 백화 점 means
department store.

Umm pig head......

These are a certain kind of wood chip used in
oriental medicine.

More oriental medicine ingredients.
Mostly roots, wood chips and herbs.

The market is enormous. It goes on forever.

After wards we
cooked up the fish we bought,
my favorite fish 고둥어 mackerel and had a feast.
In other news....
Juny still rules as dictator of our house.
Spring is in full bloom.

And Juny and I were lucky enough to get caught in a
flash storm while I was on a walk with her about a mile
away from our apartment.


Keef, Cris & gang said...

Inquiring minds (Emma to be exact) would like to know where Juny is staying when you guys move here & if you can teach her to be like Porter (in other words-not like Alex.)

ashezart said...

aww Juny Ju is so cute! As always, amazing pictures!