Monday, March 16, 2009

Slumdog millionaire part 2

That's right! Boo got a scholar ship for graduate school!
We knew nothing about it until we got a package from my
Parents with an un-opened letter from Monterrey.
Okay so maybe it is not One million dollars, it's
more like One Million dollars minus a couple or so Zero's.
We are happy because we hadn't heard any news back
and just assumed that there were no scholarships.

Anyways Speaking of Millionaires.
We were finally able to watch Slumdog Millionaire.
I really liked this movie. I am thinking if the movie was that
good the book must be ten times better.
I was also thinking how much plastic surgery it would
take for me to look like her. Once I get one of those million
dollar bills I think I will try it out.


ashezart said...

AWESOME! *C*o*N*g*R*a*T*S*!*!*!*!*
So are y'all moving in April??? Lemme know when you have an address so I can send you your box-o-awesome*ness! =D

ruffybobbins said...

Cat, it looks like you had a great year. We can't wait to see you. Boo, how exactly would one prepare the pig head and how much meat is on it?
See you soon.