Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Ten months Baby Ha Jyn!

How did she go from this....

to this SO QUICKLY?!!!
Ha Jyn's new tricks of the month are:
1. Fake crying
2. Signing for "more"
3. Finding a way to get where she wants.
4. Coloring
5. Going from crawling to sitting up.
6. Screaming (mostly at Juny)... see video below.
7. Making breastfeeding very painful with her two new top teeth.
8. Wearing her hair in buns.
I love this stage. Her personality is REALLY starting come out.
We always thought she had a quite personality. Nope not so much.
Why did we think that someone quite would end up with us?
But truth be told she is pure joy to us!
Wouldn't change our squirmy for the world!
In other news, Ha Jyn got to chat
with her Uncle and cousins that just
immigrated to Australia. Yong Gil is Boo's brother,
Ha Bin is the older girl. She is holding Ha Rue
and Ha Min is the one closest to the camera. He and
Ha Jyn look a LOT alike.
I found out that our public library sells kids books for 10 cents each.
I now go their weekly and raid it.
One day I left Ha Jyn for about two seconds and came to find her here.
Now that she is getting around so fast, we had to
rearrange the house so that it is more Ha Jyn friendly.
We decided on going Korean as far as our
eating style. We bought this table in San Jose.
We are going to get rid of our dining room table and make that area
a play room for Ha Jyn.
We found this gigantic Korean store in San Jose. We walked in and felt like
we were back in Korea. It made me really homesick for Korea.
We also went to IKEA for the first time.
Half of our apartment is IKEA furniture we found on craig's list.
It was fun to actually go and see what it is like.
Boo and I thought it would be like CostCo with a big furniture section.
We were pleasantly surprised!
Our little boy!
Coloring, she is practically a Picasso!
Perfect hight for Ha Jyn!
Boo making Kim Chi,
for some reason it did not ferment though!
Until next time... Smile big!!
Especially if you have food all over your face!


Robyn said...

Ohh, HA Jyn is so cute! I loved the video of her talking. I really like your idea of the Korean style table. Right now the only table we use is the boys' small table, and usually we end up sitting on the floor. How nice it would be to have a table we could eat at while we sit on the floor!

Jennifer said...

My niece is so cute!!! I can't wait to see her and Annika together again -- double trouble! Maybe they'll have screaming or fake crying competitions.

ashezart said...

holy cow! she's getting SO big!!! I can't believe it!!! such a cutie pie :D