Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Ha Jyn has declared independence from her
parentals lately. It has been both good and bad.
Ha Jyn and I were in the process of weening. We were down to
about two feedings (0ne at morning one at night). Suddenly about two Sundays ago
she weened herself. She wanted nothing to do with it. I must say I am LOVING it!!
After 9 months of pregnancy and 12 months of breastfeeding I FINALLY have my
body back!! (Not in the fitness sense.... I still look like I ate a semi filled with See's candy)
On the bad side, she insists on feeding herself. That in and of it self is not bad, lets just say
Ha Jyn is a little more messy these days.
As seen with her squash and noodles.

In other news: We finally got Ha Jyn her own bookshelf.
One thing I love about our apartment is that all of Ha Jyn's
stuff has a space. One thing I hate is that when trying to change the light bulb, the
entire light fixture fell out of the ceiling.
My new favorite game when I come home is to see
who Ha Jyn has put in her bus for the day.
Yesterdays bus ride included: 4 people, dogs, cats, a frog, a
brownie and a puzzle piece.
Boo's schedule changed so he now has Sunday's off.
Last Sunday we celebrated by
taking a long pre-church walk.
It resulted in in-church naps.
During this time of year new birds come out.
I don't know the name of this bird, but they are really
fun to watch.

The weather has been so beautiful lately.
Only today and yesterday did the torrential Monterey fog
come back.
Scuba divers. I want to join them someday.
Enjoying the ocean
I love sunny Monterey
Ha Jyn got her first haircut on Saturday.
I like to call it the Justina Bieber.
Oh well this too shall grow out!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

I'm so jealous, about the nice weather, and the weaning. Eli turns two tomorrow and I just barely got him down to two feedings (I cut out his nap-time feeding, and he's not liking it, but handling it ok). I don't see him weaning himself anytime soon :)