Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dr. Seuss Ha Jyn style

Ha Jyn got to go a Dr. Seuss party at the Elementary
school with the family that takes care of her while I am at work.
She scored this cool hat and three new books.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Celine and Ha Jyn wore their matching dresses
on Sunday.
Only they both skipped out on naps, so they weren't
exactly photogenic!

Ha Jyn gets stir crazy at church so
I started taking Ha Jyn into nursery. The cutoff
is 18 months, so I just stay in the nursery with her the whole time.
She loves hanging with the big kids!
Even with the race coming up,
on Saturday I could not fight the temptation
to ditch running and go out to breakfast with
Boo and Ha Jyn.
She drove us to the restaurant.

Ha Jyn getting attacked by Barney!!

Great deal!! 0% off, but only some stuff.

1 comment:

Casey said...

I love the 0% off sign. I once passed a "Bargain" store, where the sign said "Everything at least $1!"