Saturday, March 26, 2011

Leather Love

When we were in LA I bought a $5 ginormous
grab bag of fabric.
Among other things were tiny scraps of leather.
I thought of making a leather mini skirt for church
or maybe leather pants for my grandma but came up with this instead.
When cereal boxes meet leather....

I have had this square fabric frame forever but never
could find a print I wanted to frame.
I love this print, but lost half of my brain cells
framing it.
This is my next big adventure. Yikes.
So far no injuries, so far.
In other news Ha Jyn and Juny are starting to bond.
Which also is mysteriously congruent to Ha Jyn
having learned how to share her food with Juny.
Ha Jyn is way into stacking now.
Everything gets stacked. She has had
this toy for a long time. It is a great toy. When she
was tiny she loved the flashing lights, when she got bigger she loved the
cause and effect aspect of it and now she is learning her stacking and size difference.
A+ for Ha Jyn!
When disaster strikes....
My new haircut.
I don't like because it reminds me of them.

It has been raining all day.
Perfect day to be a puppy again!


Audra said...

Should I leave you my address to get my dollar? :)

Diana said...

I love how creative you are. You have always had that great talent:)

Bonnie said...

Shucks! I wanted to see the leather mini-skirt!
BTW, I love your "heavy-set gals" site! I can hear Grandma saying it now....

your favorite auntie who leaves comments!