Friday, January 9, 2009

New Years Resolutions

I have been thinking alot about what I want to
do better this year. In no particular order.....
1. I want to push myself harder to get things done.
(I tend to be a little to laid back at times)
2. Be at at least an intermediate level of Speaking and
understanding Korean.
3. Stick up for myself more. (not let the grandma's at
E-mart push me around and the Kids at the Hag Won take
advantage of the foreign teacher)
AKA (In white trash language) I am going to grow some balls
4. I am going to be more environmental
-Try to recycle more things
-Bring my own cloth bags to the market
-Try to avoid buying things with a lot of needless packaging
-Unplug cell phone chargers, turn off heat and water heater, lights
and computers
5. Eat more healthy
- Be able to make a week of dinners that don't involve cheese
-drink more water
-no more soda (my kidneys need a rest)
-learn how to cook healthy Korean food
-when we move to Monterrey start a garden or join a co-op
6. Be more active
- Be one of those people that can go to REI and look like I belong there
-When I am stressed relive it by walking and jogging and not by diet coke and sweets
-Go hiking more
-When in California take advantage of the outdoors there
-have better sleeping patterns
7. Be well read
-read more current events, academic articles, books, scriptures
-read less celebrity gossip

Hopefully I will be successful.


Keef, Cris & gang said...

A)Are you moving to California? HELLO-the ONLY sister with nieces & nephews here, you're supposed to keep me in the loop!

B) Good luck with the no diet coke. Are you forgetting who our mother is? It's in our DNA to have to have the stuff.

Xsusha said...

Umm I find that celebrity gossip and caffeine are particularly important to my well being as well as those around me :)