Thursday, January 8, 2009

Northern Utah

The second part of our trip was spent in Northern Utah.
Mostly in Salt Lake and Layton. It is beyond
words to say how great it was to spend time with family
and friends. Most of all my sisters and parents.

I can only hope that once Boo and I are married
as long as my parents that we can be as happy
as they are. This picture really captures the essence
of their love for each other.
Opening presents on Christmas day

The second Christmas in a row that only Jenn and
I were at. I guess it shows who the devoted ones are!

Boo enjoying snow blowing for more
than one reason.

Own Grandma and Grandpa looking good
at my cousin's LDS Baptism

My Salt Lake Grandma with her dog Dodger

Carly and Boo enjoying nature during
our shopping spree

Boo and the biscuit beggar Caesar

My Mom with her Mom

The NRA's new President
I am still not exactly sure what this is.

Meeting up with Cousin Sean for lunch
on the way to St. George


Diana said...

I;m so glad to see that you had a fun trip and a merry Christmas:)

Erin said...

Those are cute pictures.

Oh, and that strange-looking thing your husband is holding in one of the pictures is a tricked-out high-tech bow. My brother used to really be into that stuff. We'd shoot arrows in our backyard.

Xsusha said...

That photo of mom and dad still makes me laugh!!!