Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The truth about being pregnant

I think that the special "pregnancy glow"
is all a facade.
When you see a pregnant women and you think "ohh
how precious she has that sweet motherly look"
My guess is that like new born babies, it's only gas.
Or perhaps she has just put someone firmly in their place.
Maybe she's glowing because she now weighs more than a biggest loser
contestant on day one and just the process of standing up causes her to "glow".
I know that I have no room to complain as I have gone through the first half of
my pregnancy without any morning sickness. However I have had mourning sickness.
I mourn my old body that use to fit in my clothes. I mourn my old butt
that has now doubled in size. I mourn my old chest that does not feel like it is on fire.
I mourn being able to control my gas. Much more I mourn being able to control my emotions.
They say that all of this is worth it once you see the baby.
We should get to see our baby via ultrasound in about two weeks time.
I will let you know then if it is true or not.


Keef, Cris & gang said...

Welcome to motherhood! Isn't it fun!

ashezart said...

o0o0o 2 weeks! I'm excited :D Hey you're a cute pregnant lady!
but i'm glad people are being honest about pregnancy~everyone else acts like its sunshine and rainbows :p you should talk to Mikensi~she hated being preggers.
Luv ya Cat!