Wednesday, February 18, 2009

One of the many reasons I love Korea

Twice a month at around 7:30 in the morning our
apartment building has a recycling day.
So for two weeks we collect our recyclables and than
we go sort them out with the rest of our neighbors.
Korea has a really good program. First of all you keep
your food waste separate from your regular trash. Out side our apartment
are trash cans that are only for food waste. People come
and pick up the food waste and use for compost.
Also here you can recycle almost anything.
Because of that it usually takes us over two weeks
to accumulate enough trash of a tiny trash bag.
Overall Korea is pretty environmentally friendly.

1 comment:

ashezart said...

that's really cool! It's such a good habit to get into I wish we did that here. We always have SO much trash... The landfill is right by my church building...uggh...esp in the summer~barf!