Monday, February 2, 2009

Sorlar or 설날

Chinese New year or 설날 was the weekend before last.
It was great for two reasons: 1. Getting to see a lot of Boo's family.
2. Getting two days off of work.
We spent Sunday going to Jin Ju to visit Boo's mom with
Boo's brother Yong Gil and his family.
Than on Monday I made bread with a foreign friend.
On Tuesday Boo's brother Yong Ha and his family came to
visit us on their way up to Seoul. It was great and I think that
the US should instigate celebrating Chinese New Year as well.

Yong Ha's family and I.
Juny Ju Loved Yeo Jin (my Niece). She usually does not
warm up to people that fast. But she was playing catch with
her and Juny kept fallowing Yeo Jin everywhere she went.
Hyung Jun (my Nephew) on the other hand is not much of a dog person.

Boo and I with Yong Gil's kids. From right to left
Ha Min, Ha You and Ha Bin. Eating Lunch with Boo's mom.

Yummy Octopus


ashezart said...

So cool!!!!!!!!

Audra said...

I am hoping that you weren't serious about the yummy octopus part, it looked kind of wierd.