Thursday, October 28, 2010

Project re-vamp: How to turn your baby into Diana Ross

So in honor of Halloween we decided to
brake our window...
What really happened was our landlord told us that we needed
to move our crap off of our porch.
Part of that being our shoe pit.
Ever since living in Hawaii I have gotten use
to no shoes in the house.
In Korea no one ever would wear shoes inside the house.
To me it makes complete sense. I mean, think of all the junk one
might step on in a given day. Than think of tracking that all into your house.
I was a little mad, because for us it is a cultural thing. And if you were to
go to our house, you would see that our shoe pit on our porch is the least of the apartment complex's problems.
Anyways we decided to buy this old suitcase at a yard sale.
Upon going home the suitcase made contact with the window and.... Wha laa
an authentic Halloween decoration!!!
Ha Jyn loves her diaper wipe bags.
I hate the sharp corners on them, so I took
two bags and sewed them together.
It may be white-trash-ish but she loves crawling (moon
walk style) with her new toy.
As of now these are Ha Jyn's two favorite toys.
Her diaper wipe toy and her stuffed animal Miga, from Aunt Ja's
Vancouver trip.
Ha Jyn and Juny chit-chating
Ha Jyn Ross

Mom, here is the headband I made from my old shirt.
Lots of twisting and lots of glue.
My fingers are still a little burnt.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Cute headband! That's a creative idea. Too bad it involved so much finger burning. Just in time for Halloween, though.
Ha Jyn makes a cute little diva!